We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution
We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution
We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution
We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution

Forside // Borring
Vi kan bore hull ned i 0,2 mm med tolleranser på +/- 0,03 mm innenfor et stort spenn av diameter/dybde forhold. Vi har boret hull med dybde opp til 17 x diameter.
Kunden vil dessverre ikke vise den applikasjonen vi har jobbet med, så vi har ikke noe bilde av det, men laser boring er sortert under begrepet «micro prosessing» Mer informasjon om dette kan du finne på produsentens hjemmeside;