We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution
We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution
We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution
We are coming from an industrial cluster that have been able to tranform itself though several industrial revolutions. Adaption to change and deep knowledge of materials is in our DNA. NAM is an important step to take on the next industrial revolution

Forside // Laser Skjæring
Vi kan skjære i de fleste materialer med utsøkt presisjon. Vår maskin er laserverdenens «verktøy-maskin» så høye volum med middels presisjon egner den seg ikke for. Lave volum med ekstrem presisjon er den imidlertid utmerket for. Vi kan skjære spalter ned til 0,2 mm med toleranser innenfor et +/- 0,02 mm
Vi kan skjære i de fleste materialer, også i glass med en viss suksess.